
Meet The Founder

In 2015, Sands became a proud graduate of The College of The Bahamas (now University of The Bahamas) where she obtained a Bachelor of Education Degree in English Language and English Literature. At COB, she served as a part-time beat reporter for the student newspaper, The Spectrum, and taught for several years in the FOCUS programme (Forward, Onward to College, Upward to Success), a non-profit organization committed to preparing underprivileged public school students for college.

Ms. Sands began teaching in the public system at C.V. Bethel Senior High and became very active in leading many student civic groups, clubs and the school’s prefect committee.

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Ms. Sands began teaching in the public system at C.V. Bethel Senior High and became very active in leading many student civic groups, clubs and the school’s prefect committee.
Ms. Sands does not regard youthfulness as an excuse to shy away from the demanding and ever changing challenges of teaching and learning. Sands is committed to defying the method of traditional teaching that dictates a fixed curriculum. In the classroom she tailors her teaching to connect to the democratic life which sees the classroom as a micro-community that mirrors the wider society. Subsequently, after graduating from her alma mater only three years prior with a B.Ed in Secondary Education English Language and Literature, in 2018 she was appointed the keynote speaker at the University of The Bahamas’ teachers commissioning ceremony


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Ms. Sands has a decade of experience in mentorship and leadership programs. Most Recently, she served as the adult mentor for the United States Embassy Nassau Youth Ambassadors’ cohort from 2018-2019. As a mentor, she aspires to help all youth she comes into contact with to understand their strengths and build on them to develop excellent interpersonal, social, and effective life skills. She volunteers at a community centre in the inner city of Nassau, offering free classes to at-risk youth.

In 2019 she won The Bahamas National Youth Award in Education and The Minister’s Cup for her extensive work and dedication as a teacher, entrepreneur, mentor, and motivational speaker. In 2020, she was awarded F.C. Smith, Service Above Service Award by Rotaract Club of East Nassau. Her life is guided by the watch words, “if I can help somebody as I pass along, then my living shall not be in vain.